Photo © Etienne FAT, CC BY 2.0.

Best Brands of Green Tea

Top-rated by our community

1Wild Tea Qi296
4Adagio Teas357
5Tazo Tea256
7Ten Ren Tea253
8Tea King of China (Starway)242
10Bigelow Tea328

This list includes teas with 3 or more ratings. Companies may actually sell more teas.

Largest Selections

Brands With The Most Green Tea

1Harney and Sons24
2Upton Tea Imports20
5Den's Tea17
7Arbor Teas16
9Adagio Teas14
10Obubu Tea13

This list is based on teas listed in our database; companies may sell more teas than we have listed.

Green Tea Brands

Tea Companies Selling Green Tea

This list shows companies selling pure (unflavored) green tea; companies only selling flavored green teas will not appear here. See also brands of flavored green tea.

Although green tea is more common in the culture of China and Japan, most tea companies sell at least one pure green tea. To locate companies specializing in traditional green teas, try browsing brands that sell specific varieties of green tea, or companies with a large selection, shown in the list below in the right column.

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Is the brand you are looking for not listed? It is possible that the company is listed on our site but is not displaying in this list because no one has added any green tea from this brand to our database. Check our list of all brands and then add a brand if you cannot find it there. You can add a specific tea from the page for that brand.
