Tea Plantations Near Ooty, Nilgiri, Tamil Nadu, India

Bright yellow-green landscape of tea fields and scattered trees, a faint outline of mountains in the distance, barely visible through hazeView Full Resolution

This photo shows an expansive landscape almost completely covered with tea plantations. The gentle downward slope of the foreground obscures the rows, but the neat rows of tea are more evident on the hillsides in the background of the photo. A criss-crossing network of roads or paths runs through the plantations Especially in the distance, there are quite a few scattered trees, but most of them have quite sparse growth.

The air is humid and a dense fog or mist obscures the outline of a mountain range in the background, its outline only barely visible if you look closely.

The tea plant loves these sorts of humid environments.

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Alex Zorach

RateTea Editor

Joined Sep. 1st, 2009.

Photographer Credit

© Anne Roberts

Image Source

CC BY 2.0

Region: Nilgiri, India

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